About the proyect

Music is a wonderful tool for the development of values and educational competences. Music bands of schools themselves or those that collaborate with them have been able to complement the formal education of students in the musical field (and in transversal competences) with an appealing, dynamic and fun non-formal education that thrills students.

The appearance of COVID-19 seriously endangered the survival of these bands (both of the schools themselves and those that work with them) and the learning they provide, but from a moment of pessimism, a new methodology emerged to overcome this crisis and establish the foundations of musical learning in the future: virtual musical learning; a learning that combines traditional sessions with virtual rehearsals and distance music education.


Unión musical Padre Basté

In September 2011, the director of the Patronato de la Juventud Obrera, Mr. José Luis Ferrando, noticed a growing interest from students and residents of Benimaclet in musical education and believed that the time had come to take a qualitative leap in this regard by creating a music band of its own, without having to depend on external institutions to the educational centre.


Sociedad Musical e Recreativa Obidense

It is difficult to pinpoint the founding date of the Sociedad Musical e Recreativa Obidense, but it can be safely said to have about 200 years of history. Currently, it has a philharmonic band with around 60 musicians, a youth orchestra with around 30 musicians, and a music school with 30 students in different instrument classes.


Armelis Associazione Culturale Musicale

Armelis was established in September 1999 and is a cultural and musical association that boasts several orchestras and a music school.