Loviisa, Finland. Day 6Monday March 13th, 2017After a surprising concert last night by Voice Crack, a band of students from school, we have [...]
Loviisa, Finland. Day 5Thursday March 9th, 2017I Typical day at school to do sled hill in a nearby hill. We have had great fun! And it [...]
Loviisa, Finland. Day 4Thursday March 9th, 2017Today we have set off at 8.30 towards the capital of the country. We have stopped at Johan [...]
Loviisa, Finland. Day 3Thursday March 9th, 2017Intense filming and cold day. We have met early in the morning at school where we have been [...]
Loviisa, Finlandia. Day 2Wednesday March 8th, 2017First day of our stay in Loviisa, a small coastal town at the South of Finland about 80 km away [...]
Loviisa, Finland. Day 1Monday March 6th, 2017The loooooong trip. We left last night at 0.00 from Valencia and we have just arrived at our [...]